Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Captor

So I had thought that I would be able to at least get some good walks in while I was banned from the pool and running. Not so much... this sucker is a major pain in the ass... however just simple walking is building up a sweat so maybe I'll get a few activity points anyways lol. I have been tracking as per normal and staying on target but I am so scared its not enough. I just hope that if I don't loose over the next 4 weeks that I can maintain


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your injury. The couch to 5k program is really great, hopefully you'll be able to get back to it soon! It looks like you have already come such a long way with your weight loss - you can definitely handle this minor setback. Good luck!

  2. Oh no! Sorry to hear you're hurt. Don't rush the healing though - you'll be back on your feet (sans cast) in no time!
